How To Potty Train A Blind Dog or Puppy? – (Complete Guide)

How to potty train a blind dog or puppy?

A blind dog can live a normal everyday life because dogs have a remarkable ability to follow scents. A blind dog peeing or pooping in the house is not difficult to house train. You can train your dog to behave well. You can use the same strategy as you would use with a dog who can see; however, there are some points where you will have to take different precautions and steps.

In this article, I will walk you through the complete process and training and highlight the points where the process will go differently. I will also mention the products that will help you throughout your dog’s training. So, read the article to the end to gain all the information before starting to potty train your blind puppy or dog.

Can a blind dog be potty trained?

You can potty train a blind dog. A normal dog’s vision is already not so great. They use scents more than the sight. So, being blind doesn’t affect a dog the same way it affects a human. You can potty train your dog with the same method as you would use with a normal dog. But you have to incorporate “scents” and “feelings” to successfully train your dog to identify the potty spot and relieve there. 

When to start potty training a blind dog?

If your puppy was born blind, you could start potty training him at 12-16 weeks when he develops some bladder strength. When your dog was already potty trained and went blind afterward, you can begin re-training once he is settled with his new life or even earlier. If you adopt an adult dog who is blind, you can start potty training him right away. 

Read more: When to start potty training a puppy?

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How to potty train a blind dog?

Now let’s get to the point. How can you potty train your blind dog? Here’s the step-by-step process:

1- Confine the dog to a specific area:

You need to confine your dog to an area where the floor is easy to clean. Then, use playpen or baby gates to limit him. 

This is important because your dog will identify each object in his area, and it will be easier for him to move around. 

Moreover, if you let your dog into the house before he is fully potty trained, he may pee inside. Sometimes it becomes harder to clean up the dog’s mess properly. Any urine smell will attract the dog to pee there again. 

Do not change the position of the furniture around him. 

2- Fix one potty spot near him:

Well, this is the most crucial part. You need to choose one potty spot for him and help him recognize it. The potty spot should be different from any other things around him.

Even if you are training him to go outside, you need to differentiate his potty spot from other things around him. 

Essential features of a potty spot for a blind dog:

Ideally, there should be a specific scent. Your dog will recognize that scent and use it to signal to pee. You can keep a scented plant there (that is safe for dogs).

Besides the scent, the feel of the potty spot should also be different. The dog should have to take one step up before peeing. It will make the dog or puppy recognize the area, and he will know that he can’t just pee or poop at any place on their way. 

Never use standard puppy pads for a blind dog; he may mix up the pee pads and other soft things in the house because of the similarity of the “feeling.” Instead, use natural grass or artificial grass pads.

I will give a product recommendation to be the best potty spot for a blind dog by the end of the article. 

3- Fix a potty command and a way to the potty spot:

You need to use verbal cues for your blind dog. Use one potty command every time. Like “go potty.” Find ways to make sure that your dog understands the command and that he can associate it with peeing. 

Moreover, you need to choose one way to the toilet. Your dog will recognize that way and move accordingly. You should not change the setting or furniture on the way. 

When he is potty trained, you can slowly provide him access to other house areas. Not changing the setting of the household items will help your blind dog move around confidently and find his potty spot in the time of need. 

4- Put your dog on a schedule and write down everything: 

A fixed and written routine/schedule is crucial. Why? Now read this carefully.

The key to successful potty training is not letting your puppy or dog relieve himself in the wrong place. You can do it when you know your puppy’s timings, and you could take him to the potty spot just in time.  

But how do you know when your puppy needs to pee or poop? It is only possible when your puppy is on a fixed schedule. Every dog has a specific routine. Most dogs need a potty break 5-30 minutes after eating or drinking. 

What’s your dog’s routine? The only way of knowing this is by writing and tracking. 

So, when your blind dog is on a fixed schedule. Keep a hawk-eye on your dog; you will come to know that after how much time of certain activities, your dog needs a potty break. 

Moreover, look for the signs your dog shows before peeing or pooping. Usually, dogs scratch, bark, stare or squat before doing the deed. If your dog is lying down and suddenly gets up, it can signify that he needs a toilet break. 

Download a free printable tracker to note down everything:

    5- Take your dog to the potty spot every time:

    When your dog goes to the toilet, take him to the potty spot on a leash. Use the same way to the potty spot. When your dog steps up on the potty spot, say your fixed command like “go potty.” 

    Wait there until your dog relieves himself. If he doesn’t, step back for a few minutes and as your dog shows the signs again, take him to the potty spot again.

    Eventually, your dog will recognize the potty spot because of the scent and the feel, and he will associate the potty command with peeing or pooping. 

    Usually, dogs need a potty break at these times:

    • 5-30 minutes after eating or drinking
    • Right after waking up
    • Just before bed
    • Right after a play session
    • Until they can control their bladder, puppies can control their bladder for one hour every month of their age until they are fully potty trained or nine months to a year old. The bladder control chart is included in the cheat sheet. 

    6- Reward for doing the thing right:

    When your blind dog relieves himself in the right place, pat him immediately and give him a treat instantly. Positive reinforcement is a great way to train the dogs.


    How to potty train a blind dog or puppy? The summary of the whole process is like this;

    • Choose the right potty spot and command for your blind dog
    • Put the dog on a fixed schedule. Notice and write down his schedule and cues.
    • Take him to the potty spot just in time. Prevent potty accidents altogether. 
    • Reward the dog for doing the deed in the right place with a treat. 

    In case of a potty accident:

    If you catch your blind puppy or dog while having a potty accident, clap and interrupt. Take him to the potty spot immediately. 

    If you find a mess in the wrong place, do not yell at your animal. Instead, clean up the mess with a suitable enzyme cleaner and note down the time and reason in the potty accident tracker like this. 

    Pro tip: Never use a simple household cleaner to clean up after your dog. The ammonia-based cleaner will invite the dog to pee there again. Instead, you must use an enzyme cleaner to wreck the dog’s urine smell.

    What makes the best potty spot for a blind dog? (Product Recommendation)

    A potty place for a blind dog should have the following qualities:

    • A scent that helps the dog recognize the spot
    • A step-up so the dog knows that he has to take one step-up before peeing or pooping.
    • The potty spot should feel different from other household items.

    I don’t know if you know about this product, but it makes a perfect potty spot for blind dogs because it has all the qualities listed above. 

    The product is a porch potty. 

    perfect potty spot for blind dogs

    The dog will have to take a step up before peeing, and the fire hydrant has a unique scent that attracts dogs to pee on it. 

    You can either use synthetic or natural sod. 

    A porch potty is easier to clean. Attach a water source with the sprinkler and set the timer. 

    It is a one-time expense (except for the natural grass subscription) and worth it. 

    There are a few other things that will only add more value:

    • A canopy will help your dog recognize the potty spot even better. 
    • A porch potty ramp will help your dog step up the spot. (it is best if you’ve got an older dog)
    • Pee-pee penal will save the wall (It is beneficial if you have a male dog who sometimes lifts his leg to pee. 

    If you want to know more about how a porch potty works. Click here.

    How To Assemble Porch Potty?

    Watch the video below:

    How long does it take to potty train a blind puppy?

    It will take around 6-12 weeks for your puppy to show good progress. You can expect your blind dog to be fully potty trained by the time he is one year old. However, wrong training will not bring the results. With a blind dog, you are not supposed to change the furniture settings; otherwise, your blind dog will start peeing and pooping in the house again. 

    Pee pads for blind dogs:

    We do not suggest using pee pads for blind dogs. They will end up peeing on other soft things in the house. 

    You can either train him to go outside or use grass pads like a porch potty. An artificial turf is also a good option, like PETMaker potty tray and synthetic grass replacement pads. 

    Potty training supplies for blind dogs:

    Find out the supplies you must have in your hand when you are potty training your blind dog:

    ProductShop Now
    Tracking sheetsFree download
    LeashCheck price on Amazon
    Enzyme CleanerCheck Price on Amazon
    Porch Potty Check Price on Porch Potty Official Website
    Dog Training TreatsCheck Price on Amazon
    Paper towelCheck Price on Amazon
    UV FlashlightCheck Price on Amazon
    Pooper ScooperCheck Price on Amazon
    Poop BagsCheck Price on Amazon
    Potty Training Spray (optional)Check Price on Amazon
    Artificial grass padsCheck Price on Amazon

    Conclusion: How to potty train a blind puppy or dog?

    You can potty train a blind puppy just like you would train potty train a dog who can see. However, there are a few differences, like making a difference in the potty spot and not changing his environmental settings. 

    I hope this article helped. If you have any more questions, ask in the comments. 

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