You often hear or read, “take your puppy outside to pee.” This is a good practice. Of course, the best potty spot for puppies and dogs is outside the house. But what if your puppy won’t pee outside? It can become a tough job. For many puppies, potty training is simple, but some dog owners have difficulty teaching their young fellows where and when to relieve themselves.
Why your puppy won’t pee outside?
There is never one set reason for one specific problem. For example, why your puppy won’t pee outside; can be due to the following reasons:
- The potty command is not fixed: You MUST fix one potty command for your puppy and always use the same word when you want him to do the business. If multiple people are potty training a puppy, and everyone uses a different command, your puppy may not learn it.
- Matter of timing: Your puppy must have a fixed schedule. They often pee or poop after a fixed time of eating or drinking. So it is possible that you are not taking your puppy outside when he needs to go.
- Surface preference: Puppies and dogs tend to develop a surface preference. They will pee or poop where they will feel comfortable doing so.
- He thinks the potty spot is only inside: If your puppy has been peeing inside before or had a lot of indoor potty accidents, he may not recognize the outside world as a potty spot. Moreover, if there is urine smell in the house, your puppy may start recognizing that smell and pee there again and again.
- Weather: Some dog breeds are not so tolerant regarding “weather.” Your puppy may not feel comfortable outside if he belongs to such a sensitive breed.
- Potty breaks are fun: Dogs and puppies always look for their daily walk time. It’s the best time for them as they get to explore the world and have fun. But potty breaks should be strictly business. More fun visits outside may distract your puppy so he won’t pee.
- Fear: Make sure your puppy is not stressed or fearful when he is outside. Check if his tail is tucked between the legs or his ears are flattened.
- He is just being stubborn: If you can’t find a reason, it’s just your puppy being stubborn.

How to get your puppy to pee outside?
Not every puppy is the same. One thing that works for one puppy may not work for another. But a few things will remain the same; patience, consistency, the right strategy of potty training, and positive reinforcement.
You will first “find out the reason for this happening and solve the problem.” Then try these methods. If one method doesn’t work, use method 2. If not, use method 3. See what works for your puppy.
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Method 1- (The DayOut Method) Take him outside and spend the day there until he pees:
This method is excellent for the puppies who are not ready to pee outside just because they have a surface or area preference or who are just being stubborn.
Puppies cannot hold their bladder for too long. If your puppy won’t pee outside, pack your stuff and be outdoors. Continue with the puppy’s eating and drinking routine.
When it’s time for the toilet, take your puppy to one spot in the corner and repeat your potty command.
Your puppy may try to hold his bladder at first, but he will, eventually, have to pee and poop there. As soon as he does, give him the treat to create a positive association between peeing and the outside world.
It will help your puppy understand that he can do the business outside too.
Repeat this a few times until your puppy feels comfortable peeing outside.
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Method 2- (No Walks Method) No walks – only potty breaks outside:
This method is excellent for puppies who are not ready to pee outside because they are too busy chasing the birds or are distracted enjoying their time outdoors.
Look! Potty breaks should be strictly business. When you take your puppy outside, he doesn’t understand if he is going for a fun walk or a potty break until you create a difference.
Therefore, you must have a potty command like “go potty.” and a boring environment for the potty breaks outside.
What you can do is; skip fun walks for a couple of days. (Make sure that your puppy gets enough exercise at home).
Put your puppy on a schedule and take him outside only when he has to pee or poop. Fix one potty spot and command. Stand boring there. Make the environment quiet; only repeat the potty command.
Resist any distraction. Keep trying until your puppy learns that the outside world is not only for playing and walking but also for doing business.
Once your puppy starts recognizing the potty spot and command, you are good to go on the walks. Ideally, It should happen in 2-3 days.
Method 3- (The Pee Pad Method) Train to use pee pads and then transfer :
This method is excellent for puppies with a surface or environment preference to pee.
Some puppies won’t pee outside because they are trained to use pee pads. The previous owner may have taught him to go inside the house when you adopt a puppy.
For whatever reason, your puppy may feel comfortable peeing on the pads.
So, here’s the deal.
Get some puppy pads and actual grass pads. Place the natural grass pad beneath the regular puppy pad your puppy uses. Next time your puppy pees on the pad, fold the upper pad slightly. Then gradually fold the upper pad (to make it smaller) until your puppy’s paws touch the grass.
Gradually make your puppy comfortable with using grass as a pee spot.
Once the puppy is comfortable with grass, gradually move the grass pad towards to door outside. Once the grass pad reaches the grass in your backyard (the potty spot), you can remove the pad altogether.
The alternate method is to gradually move the regular puppy pads outside the house and place it in the place where you want your puppy to pee. Then gradually fold the puppy pad to the minimum size. Once the puppy’s paws touch the floor and he is comfortable using the new surface, you can remove the pad altogether.
After transferring your puppy to go outside; you shouldn’t expect him to stick to the new spot. You have to be with him on every potty break until he is fully potty trained.
(Get the natural grass pads on the porch potty)
Tips that will help you get your puppy to pee outside:
Follow these tips to get your problem solved.
1- Confine until he is potty trained: You must confine your puppy in a specific house area until they learn where to pee or poop. Use a playpen or baby gates to confine them. You can also attach his leash to yourself.
2- Have patience: Raising a puppy is super hard. Losing patience is not going to get you the results. Learn more about dog training. Learn about tips and tricks that can help you with your puppy’s training. Get help from a family member. These things will help you keep your temper. Most importantly, write down and track everything to stay more organized and train your dog effectively.
3- Keep the puppy on a leash: You must keep the puppy on a leash so you don’t have to run when it’s time to do the deed. Without a leash, you won’t be able to keep your puppy in a place.
4- Command training and leash training: Your puppy must be trained to follow a command when it comes to potty training. So he can understand what he is being asked to do. Leash training is also essential to keep the puppy in a place when you are outside for the potty.
5- Always have a schedule: I constantly repeat this. Every dog trainer does! Having a schedule and sticking to it are super crucial for dog training.
Download your free puppy potty training tracker (includes Blank puppy schedule, accident tracker, and important notes sheets)
6- Your house should be smell-free: When you have a pet at home, regularly check your house with a UV flashlight for urine stains. Always use an enzyme cleaner to clean up after your dogs to completely eliminate the urine smell.
“My puppy won’t pee outside.” There can be multiple reasons behind it. Be an excellent trainer to your puppy and figure out why he isn’t doing so. Make him comfortable in the outside world. Train him to follow the command.