Why Is A 6 Month Old Puppy Peeing In House Again? – (Regression?)

Well, you spent days and nights potty training your puppies. Now when your puppy should go to the toilet to do the deed, he reverts to his old habits of relieving everywhere. Isn’t it so frustrating? Why is your 6-month old puppy peeing in the house again? Let’s dive deep into the topic. 

When your 6-months-old puppy starts peeing in the house again, the number one apparent reason is incomplete potty training. You can’t say that it is potty training regression because puppies do not have enough control over their bladder at this age. You need to get back to basic training and take him to the potty spot when its time for him to go.

This may have happened because of a few other reasons, too. We’ll also discuss this in detail.

Reasons why your six-month-old puppy is peeing in the house again?

I’ll list down all the possible reasons for this happening:

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1- Incomplete potty training:

As I said earlier, incomplete potty training is the number one reason your six-month-old puppy is peeing in the house again. 

Potty training is not a linear process; it’s like a few steps forward and a few steps back. Your puppy showed good progression, and you thought that now he was fully potty trained while he was not. 

How do you know when your puppy is fully potty trained? Look for these things:

  • Your puppy is at least nine months old because he develops enough bladder strength to control the urine at this age. 
  • He tells you that he needs to go by showing the signs you taught him, like ringing the bell or barking at the door.
  • He goes without a potty accident for at least 3-to four weeks. 

Even after being fully potty trained, you sometimes need to follow up with the training by taking him to the potty spot and rewarding him with a treat for a good job. 

2- He had to go but couldn’t tell:

Your puppy may be somehow potty trained, but you didn’t teach him to tell when he needs to go. 

When a puppy is almost potty trained (or fully potty trained), you should teach him to use potty bells, so you don’t miss it. 

Here’s your complete guide so you can train your puppy to use potty bells. 

3- He was confused about where to go:

We always ask dog owners to use only one door to take their puppy to the potty spot so that he couldn’t miss it. Using different ways can be confusing for your dog. 

For example, he needed to pee and found all the doors similar, so he passed through a door and peed. But, unfortunately, it was your bedroom. 

Moreover, that door should always be open for your dog to go out; nothing should block his way out. 

4- He smells pee inside:

Dogs use to pee where they smell pee. So if you notice that your 6-month-old puppy is peeing in a particular house area, he may smell pee there.

Get a UV flashlight (it’s a must-have when you have a pet at home), turn off all the lights, and check if there are any stains with a UV flashlight. 

Get a good enzyme cleaner and clean up your house if there are urine stains. Enzyme cleaner is a must-have as it is the only thing that can destroy dog urine. 

More similar resources:

5- He is urine marking

Some dogs start to urine mark at around six months of age. It is a natural behavior of dogs to mark their territory or attract the opposite gender for mating. 

Look for these things:

  • Is your puppy peeing on new stuff in the house?
  • If there is an opposite gender dog around?
  • If your puppy lifts his leg to urinate?
  • The amount of urine is so small. 

Here’s everything you should know about urine marking behavior in dogs. 

6- He is not well

A rare reason is a sickness, like a UTI. This problem is widespread in dogs and puppies. With a UTI, the dog will lose his bladder muscles control and pee around the house. 

If you see any signs of sickness like being sluggish and uncomfortable, you should seek a doctor’s help. 

6-Month-old puppy potty training regression:

Potty training regression is when a fully potty trained dog gets back to his old habits of peeing and pooping in the house. A 6-month-old puppy is not even potty trained, so peeing in the house again is not actually regression.

How to stop a 6-month-old puppy from peeing inside the house:

Here are a few ways to control your six-month-old puppy from peeing inside the house.

1- Get back to the basics:

Getting back to basic training is the first and most important thing. First, note down your dog’s daily schedule, like the time when he eats, drinks, goes to sleep and wakes up. Next, note down, after how much time of a particular activity he uses the toilet. 

Then take him to the potty spot on a leash whenever he needs to go. 

Here’s a complete guide to step-by-step puppy potty training. 

2- Keep a tracker and planner:

Keeping a tracker and a planner in hand is a great way to be organized and more efficient when potty training your canine. 

Print out the planner and write your puppy’s schedule on it. Then follow it and see the magic. 

3- Reward for a good job:

Dogs respond well to positive reinforcement. Until your dog is fully potty trained, you should give him treats for doing the job in the right place. 

Milk-Bone Flavor Snacks Dog Treats is our dog’s favorite. 

4- Clean the house with good enzyme cleaner:

Last but not least, when your puppy pees inside the house, don’t forget to catch the urine stains with a UV flashlight and clean up the mess perfectly with a good enzyme cleaner. 


When your six-month-old puppy is peeing in the house again, it indicates incomplete potty training. You need to get back to the basic training and reward for the excellent job. Don’t forget to clean up the mess using a good enzyme cleaner.

There are a few other reasons why your puppy might be peeing inside the house again. For example, he is not trained to tell when he needs to go; he might be urine marking or smelling pee there. 

Get your Enzyme cleaner and UV flashlight on Amazon.

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