Why Is Your Dog Peeing In The House When The Door Is Open?

So, your dog is potty trained, and you are now taking a sigh. You know that he knows his way to the toilet, but then you find yourself asking, “why is my dog peeing in the house when the door is open?”

Well, this kind of issue is quite common. Don’t worry; I’ll help you find the solution. 

Here are the 8 possible reasons why your dog is not going outside to pee even when he knows how to do it and has the way open. 

1- Not fully potty trained:

If you just finished potty training your fellow, you expect him to go out to do the business, and he goes out most of the time. But it is still possible that he is not yet fully potty trained. 

Look! Potty training is not a linear process. It takes months for a puppy to be fully potty trained. He didn’t have any accidents in the past few days; it doesn’t mean he will never have an accident again. 

The best thing to do is continue with the training until he is around 1 year old and goes without an accident for weeks (not days). 

Moreover, you should train your dog to ring the bell to go potty outside. 

2- Urine marking:

Urine marking is the most common reason for potty-trained pets peeing inside the house. 

If the door is open, but your dog is not going outside to pee, he might be marking his territory inside. 

How do you know that he is marking, not peeing? 

If the amount of urine is so small and your dog is lifting one leg to urinate, it’s likely to be marking. 

Read this article to know more about identifying urine marking and ways to limit it.

3- Potty training regression:

If your dog was potty trained for quite some time, but he is now forgetting his training and having accidents in the house, it can be potty training regression. 

Regression is a normal part of a dog’s brain development. 

Read more about potty training regression in dogs and puppies here. 

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4- The dog doesn’t want to go outside, or he can’t:

A- Sometimes, dogs encounter something outside that they skip wanting to go outside. For example, someone tried to scare him outside, or he had a fight with a stray dog. 

Something environmental, like a thunderstorm, may also put your dog under stress, so he won’t go outside even if the door is open. 

You have to figure out this by noticing his reaction by taking him outside on a leash. If he resists or doesn’t look happy, it may mean that he has encountered something bad outside. 

Get your dog a calming collar and take him outside. As soon as you step outside, give him a treat. Spend some time there and continue treating him from time to time to make him comfortable outside. 

B- The second possibility is that your dog can’t go outside. For example, if he is not well or is in pain, he can’t walk outside to do his business. 

Check your dog’s health and see a vet. 

dog carrying a leash

5- Lack of training follow-up:

Potty training is a continuous process. You can’t just stop going out with your dog one day and never follow up. 

The best practice is to follow up with your dog’s potty training once in 2-3 months after your dog is fully potty trained. 

Dogs are so forgetful. It’s easier for them to forget their training. So after every 2-3 months, take your dog outside on a leash.

6- He smells urine inside:

Dogs pee where they smell pee. Their noses are very sensitive as compared to human noses. So, maybe he is smelling pee inside?

Did another dog visit your house? Did your dog have a potty accident? Did your dog’s urine mark? 

Do you have a kid in the house who is not yet potty trained?

If any urine smell is there, your dog will likely pee on it.

So, get a UV flashlight. Turn off the lights and check if there are any urine stains?

If there are, get an enzyme cleaner (not a simple household cleaner) and clean that stain with that. 

Here’s the list of best enzyme cleaners for dog urine (according to the surface type)

7- He is used to being with someone to go outside:

If someone is always with him when he does his business outside, he might be waiting for someone even if the door is open. 

The best thing is to potty bell train your dog, so he knows that not only is a human his partner on potty breaks, but a bell sound can also accompany him. 

Here’s how to bell train your dog. 

sick dog

8- Medical problem:

Some medical problems like UTIs can cause your dog to lose control over his bladder. If you see your dog lethargic and weak, he might not be going outside to pee when the door is open. 

Read about the medical conditions that might be hindering him from going outside. 


Typically, the most common reason a dog pees inside the house when the door opens is urine marking or smelling pee inside. 

The simple solution is to use a UV flashlight to detect urine stains and clean them with an enzyme cleaner. 

Following up with your dog’s potty training is also important. Without follow-up, your dog may regress in his training. 

Also, visit the vet regularly. If you see your dog is weak and doesn’t have the same energy he used to have, it’s best to check with the vet. 

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